In Person
Compensation Essentials II Workshop

Workshop Details
Come prepared to roll up your sleeves and participate in a highly interactive and learning-filled day that will help you better understand the science and the art of compensation, advancing your compensation capabilities and the organization’s ability to attract, retain, motivate, and engage.
Ankeny Kirkendall Library, 1250 SW District Drive, Ankeny, IA

HR Hotline Associates is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.
Topics Include:
This is the second of two Compensation Essential workshops. The first workshop focuses on base pay. For CEII, TOPICS INCLUDE the different forms of variable pay programs and optimization of their use, the development of salary ranges within a grade hierarchy, and job evaluation methodologies including but not limited to market-pricing slotting and point factor analysis.
Who should attend?
Beginner to intermediate Compensation Professionals; Human Resources Professionals who would like to learn more about compensation fundamentals; and Managers responsible for compensation administration and salary determinations. Please note: Taking Compensation Essentials I before taking CompensationEssentials II may be helpful but is not necessary.
AS A PARTICIPANT, you will receive a participant guide, a full set of the workshop slides, along with additional handouts and tools for you to use on the job.
Julie Caspar is founder and President of HR Hotline Associates. She has over 35 years working as a human resource professional and executive in the U.S. and internationally, while today providing HR and compensation consulting services to organizations around the country. Julie, in addition to managing her company, is a current faculty member at Iowa State University in the Ivy College ofBusiness and former faculty member at Drake University, teaching compensation and benefits among other HR topics to undergraduate and graduate students.
Mollie Frideres is founder of MFS Consulting,, with over 25 years’ experience in Human Resources, working in professional and leadership positions. Mollie earned her B.S. in Psychology and Masters of BusinessAdministration from Iowa State University. In addition to managing her business, Mollie is an adjunct professor at Des Moines Area Community College teaching Human Resources.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
· Discuss compensation as an element of the Total Rewards model
· Define variable pay and purpose
· Link compensation philosophy and strategy to variable pay
· Identify different types of variable pay program and characteristics
· Apply budget and legal considerations when designing variable pay programs
· Discuss the pros and cons of variable pay
· Create a variable pay plan for a specific employee population using five primary steps for development and key considerations
· Determine effective employee communication approaches
· Name the different job grading methodologies
· Establish grading criteria for job evaluation
· Select and develop a job evaluation system
· Conduct a job analysis and evaluation using new job evaluation system
· Design salary ranges within a hierarchical grade structure
· Review geographic differential data and apply to salary ranges
· Assign job level based on internal and external evaluation
· Develop an on-the-job Action Plan
Register for the Workshop
Due to the cost of set-up and materials, all cancellations must be received no later than 72 hours prior to the workshop or full price will be charged.